The How We Hire Podcast

Alex Tidgård on: The psychology behind asking great interview questions

Written by Alva Labs | Mar 1, 2023 12:04:19 PM

Your interview process is the face of your business. It’s the first time candidates get a sense of who you are. Mess it up, and you risk candidates walking out of the recruitment process or ghosting you. How can you create a personalised interview process and win over candidates?

On this episode of How We Hire, Licensed Psychologist Alex Tidgård, talks about how to ask great interview questions and extract the responses you want from candidates. As Chief Product Officer and Founder of Asker Technologies, an AI-driven interview tool, Alex shares his best tips and strategies for running a candidate-centric interview process.

Key takeaways

  • Why interviews are so important to get right
  • How to take care of candidates throughout the whole interview cycle
  • Common interview pitfalls to avoid
  • Easy hacks to ace interviews
  • How to ask the right interview questions and evaluate responses fairly