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Rethinking Recruitment: Prepare for a changing workforce

Get ready to transform your talent acquisition strategy and future-proof your hiring process.

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The competency gap is real – and it’s growing.

In 2027, 25% of the jobs that exist today will be gone.

Nearly nine in ten executives and managers say their organisation is either facing a skills gap or is expecting to within the next five years.

To survive and thrive in this day and age, organisations must ensure they secure the right competence internally and hire people who can navigate change and grow with the organisation.

Rethinking hiring is no longer optional—it's essential.

→ Keynote speakers
→ Panel discussions
→ Latest news on skill-based hiring

Join us at the following locations

Stockholm - October 19

Stockholm - October 19

Event has passed. Click "Read more" to see highlights of the event!

Oslo - November 8

Oslo - November 8

Event has passed. Click "Read more" to see highlights of the event!

Malmö - November 16

Malmö - November 16

Event has passed. Click "Read more" to see highlights of the event!

Can't make it to the events above?

Join us for an exclusive session with keynote speaker, Siri Sandholt, online

"How to address the widening competency gap."
A discussion between Siri Sandholt, former CHRO, Advisor & Keynote Speaker and Linnea Bywall, Head of People at Alva Labs.

13.00 - 13:45, December 11, 2023

Speakers on the Rethinking Recruitment tour

Why you should attend Rethinking Recruitment

Get ready to transform your talent acquisition strategy and future-proof your hiring process.

Learn how to hire for competence you don't even know you'll need tomorrow.

Network with other TA professionals in your local community.

Limited seats available!

Claim your seat at Rethinking Recruitment