Talent Acquisition, customer story
Talent Acquisition, customer story
Candidate Experience, Talent Acquisition, Recruitment Resources
Talent Acquisition, customer story
The companies who stick to traditional selection methods—which are neither objective nor accurate— will fail to secure the right talent for their business success. This is a considerable risk to take...
Getting hired and hiring has followed this simple formula for hundreds of years: You see the job ad, submit a CV and maybe a cover letter, and then go through a round of interviews. This recruitment...
Almost half of all hires fail, with only 19% of hires deemed a "success". What are we getting wrong? And more importantly, what can we do right? Let's find out!
The best talent do the best and the most work. But many companies need to do a better job of finding and keeping them. In fact, 82% of companies believe they need to hire more talented people. Today,...
Nowadays, talent sourcing feels impersonal. Generic. Rushed. Yet in a crowded labour market where the best candidates get snapped up in ten days, it's only more vital to get candidate sourcing right....
Gone are the days when you can copy and paste a generic ad and hope for the best. Simply put, candidates expect more. Nowadays, people are looking for a place to belong, a culture they can connect...